Thursday, October 16, 2008

Your SC08 Proxy

Since corporate travel is becoming very tight in the current economic climate, This InTech Blogger will be attending the SC08 Super Computing Conference in Austin as your proxy from Nov 17-21. Check out the program and exhibit listings and comment here if you have specific requests for more information, reports from the field or are just generally curious. Be watching here during the conference for daily blog updates about news, announcements and general de-bunking. If you are also going to be attending the conference, be sure to comment here or else email me directly so that we can be sure to cross paths in person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Informative blog. Thanks for sharing the information here. I am interested in participating in the Conference I had a good experience By participating in the conference Cloud Slam 2010 which is the global event covering latest trends and innovations of Cloud Computing and its technologies.